Monday, September 20, 2010


just wanted to share some pictures from the end of last week and this was quite exciting as two pieces of home found themselves in arizona!

trinity and jason made a stop in flagstaff on their way from texas to their new home in seattle...stephen and i got to share a meal with them thursday night, and then friday morning before sending them on their way, trin, jason, and i visited two of arizona's most stirring sights...

bedrock, complete with 5 cent coffee and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to drive a car with a trailer hitch from the stone age, and...

the grand canyon, complete with a picnic breakfast (a la stephen's generosity), and a whole bunch of "ohmagosh"s!

then saturday i was lucky enough to be able to drive down to gorgeous sedona to spend a wonderful, relaxed, saturday afternoon with lauren, rob, and her sweet family!
just can't tell you how often i'm pulled back into gratefulness.


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun. Love all the pics, and enjoying reading. Love you more!!! XO

  2. i know it was fun to see trin and lauren! im so glad you are having lots of ohmagosh moments and i hope there are more to come! [which there will for sure] oh and i WILL be the first to comment on the next post...I WILL. im gonna check this thing everyday! [i mean, its not like i do anything else why you arent here... :( ] anyways, i know your having a good time, so stay safe!! i pray for you everytime i think about it! [which is more than you think, i promise!] love you love you love you. cant say that enough. :) xoxoxo
